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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


Your audiophile trade-in is worth more with MC Audio Tech

We’ve been told by our clients that literally nobody would pay more for their audiophile component(s) in trade. And we are pretty of proud of that fact.

We’ve taken in speakers from Bowers & Wilkins, Wilson Audio, Focal, Magico, MartinLogan, Stenheim, Goldmund, Krell, Sound Lab, QUAD, Focal, Vandersteen Audio, Tekton Designs, T+A, Wisdom Audio, GoldenEar Technologies, PS Audio, THIEL Audio, Magnepan, MBL, Tidal Audio and and so many other great audiophile loudspeaker brands. 

Some clients even trade in premium audiophile electronics and that is cool too. We’ve taken in tube electronics from McIntosh, Audio Research, Sonic Frontiers and Linear Tube Audio. We’ve had clients bring us stack of ADCOM gear or higher end components from Mark Levinson, Krell, Nagra, Classe’ Audio, Threshold, Aragon, WADIA, Theta Digital, Meridian, Technics, Linn, Naim Audio. We can even take in trades on audiophile grade headphones as many of the higher end STAX, Sennheiser, Grado and HIFIMAN headphones retain a lot of value in the used or secondary market. Why waste your time dealing with online sales of your gear when we will pay you more and make your life easier in the process? That is an audiophile win-win if there every was one. 

Send us a comprehensive list of the audiophile component(s) that you would like to trade-in and we can get back to you with what we likely can offer you towards some new MC Audiotech loudspeakers. Be sure to tell us what you paid for the item too, if you can remember. In some cases we can “make you whole” (or come close) with our high trade-in values… 

Most importantly, we will deal with all of the logistics of your audiophile trade-in and upgrades. Just pack the gear up and we will take it from there. It is simply – that easy!

Call 215.913.1990 or email to find out what your audiophile trade is worth.